Eqo Refer Team

Book a demo

In the call, we'll learn how your employee referral program is doing today, give you a live overview of Eqo, and see if there's alignment for us to work together!
See Eqo in action
We'll walk you through the employee side, the candidate side and the admin side.
Ask any questions you may have
This is your time. Ask any questions and we'll make sure to cover them all. We got some FAQs below too.
See if there's alignment to build a business case together
We'll help you put together a strong business case with clear ROI to drive this internally

Frequently asked questions

Common questions you might have in mind
Does Eqo integrate with my ATS & HRIS?
Yes, Eqo integrates with all major ATS and HRIS systems. See all our integrations here.
Can Eqo operate as a standalone
Yes, Eqo can operate as a standalone. We know it's easier to get buy-in and faster to move when no integrations are involved in the beginning.
What makes Eqo different than other platforms?
Our 3 biggest competitive advantages are our 1) User Experience 2) SMS campaigns, and our 3) Strategy support.

For employees, the experience is frictionless, fully-text based, and requires no app downloads. This helps you increase your employee engagement with your referral program.

Our SMS campaigns feature helps you keep your program socialized and allows you to find hires in areas you're short-staffed in by sending targeted SMS campaigns to specific teams, departments and locations.

Our Strategy support. We don't just give you our solution and say "Hey good luck! See you at renewal". We fully support you with employee engagement and adoption. You'll have a fractional employee referral program manager (at no extra cost) which will help with creative, marketing and program strategies.
Do my employees have to download an app?
No, Eqo is a full end-to-end employee referral solution – meaning employees can refer someone, see all bonuses, and track all their referrals without having to download any apps. Asking employees to download an app creates friction in the experience and could open up security risks.
How much integration/technical time is needed from my IT team?
We already have connectors built with most major ATS & HRIS systems so no technical work is really required from your IT team. If you have an ATS/HRIS admin(s), the time commitment from them is between 3-5 hours for the whole 4-6 week implementation.
How fast can we implement Eqo?
It depends on what ATS and HRIS you use – but we can get up and running in as fast as 4-6 weeks. Work is divided between technical implementation and functional implementation, as in how do we get your employees aware and excited to maximize adoption.
How does pricing work?
We're an annual license model with unlimited admin seats and referrals. We price according to company-size.
Anything special for non-profits?
Yes! We offer a 15% discount for non-profits. Please bring that to our attention during our coversations.
Eqo Refer Team

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